The objective of this post is to hopefully help answer that question and explain the basic types of Art Storage Racks I have available.
First - Choosing a base
There are two basic styles of base
The Stagnant Base
The stagnant base has dowels which are set at a certain interval. Most are set at 2" apart and intended to hold two (2) 3/4" thick canvas or one (1) 1.5" canvas per storage slot.

The Adjustable Base
The adjustable base allows you to position the dowels and create storage slots in the size that best fits your art. The dowels can be moved as need to rearrange and reorganize. A series of holes in the base are spaced approximately 1/4" apart and the dowels can be moved in 3/4" intervals. The storage spaces can be set at 1", 1.75", 2.5", 3.25" etc.
Example of Adjustable Base
Second - Selecting the height and width that is best for you
Racks are available with 12", 18", 24", 30", 36", 40" and 48" Tall dowels but can be made to a custom height if you are attempting to fit in a specific location. As a rule of thumb, you want the dowel height to match to exceed the height of you tallest canvas. It is important that the end of the dowel rests on the canvas frame and not directly on the stretched canvas which could cause damage.
Unlike canvas, framed art does not require the dowel to be as tall as the art. However, a taller dowel is still preferable and will hold the art more upright.
The standard width of a rack is determined by the height. For example, a 30" tall rack comes standard with 16" width. Keeping a base thinner allows for more flexibility and allows the rack to hold a wider range of sizes. Again, this is easily customized if needed.
Third - Storage Capacity
Of course you need to consider how much storage you need and how much space you have. A base with 2" spacing is designed to hold two (2) 3/4" thick canvas or one (1) 1.5" canvas for slot. A 24" long rack has nine (9) storage slots which means this rack would store up to eighteen (18) 3/4" thick canvas. A 36" long rack has fourteen (14) storage slots and could store up to twenty eight (28) 3/4" thick canvas. Again, custom orders can be made to fit a specific space or store a specific collection.
Tiered racks and Art Storage Carts can help maximize your available space. These come standard in all different shapes and sizes or custom design one that best fit your needs.